

  • 负责监督执行官: Vice President for 人力资源, Diversity, Equity, 和包容
  • 当前修订或创建日期:2023年6月6日
  • 下载政策PDF

This policy grants up to five days (40 hours) of paid leave and/or a monetary bonus recognition to acknowledge an employee's outstanding performance and important contributions to the overall objectives of the University and State government.

弗吉尼亚法典第23条.第1-1301条,经修正, grants authority to the 参观委员会 to make rules and policies concerning institution. Section 7.第01(a)(6)条 访客委员会章程 grants authority to the President to implement the policies and procedures of the Board relating to University operations.

Virginia Department of Human Resource Management Policy 1.15 -员工认可和敬业度

行政和专业(A/P)学院 - Employees who perform work directly related to the management of the educational and general activities of the institution, department or subdivision or whose professional positions serve the educational, research, athletic, medical, 学生事务, and development functions or activities of the institution.

机密的员工 - A salaried employee whose terms and conditions of employment are subject to the 弗吉尼亚人事法案,弗吉尼亚法典第2节.2-2900等序列.,经修订,他被雇用在一个机密的职位.

财政年度 - 7月1日- 6月30日

离开一年 - 1月10日- 1月9日

教学与研究学院 - Employees whose work assignments primarily involve instruction, research, 以及学术活动, 拥有学术等级/头衔的人.

工资的员工 - A non-salaried employee who receives pay for hours worked and is not covered by the provisions of the Virginia Personnel Act. Wage employees are sometimes referred to as hourly employees. Wage employees have no guarantee of employment for a particular term or a particular daily or weekly work schedule; they serve at the will of the designated hiring official and may be terminated at any time.

This policy applies to all administrative and professional faculty, 12-month teaching and research faculty who are eligible for annual leave and classified or non-classified persons who are paid by the University.

This policy permits supervisors to grant up to five days (40 hours) of paid leave and/or monetary bonus recognition as a meaningful way to acknowledge employees, 鼓励团队合作, 促进大学和英联邦的价值观. Such recognition may acknowledge employee or team accomplishments and contributions that support the University's mission.

  1. 资格要求


    1. Have received a rating of satisfactory/contributor or higher on the last performance evaluation

    2. Have no formal discipline within the preceding 12 months (e.g., written notices, letter of reprimand or sanctions)

  2. 识别离开

    1. A maximum of 5 days (40 hours) of paid recognition leave may be granted per leave year.

    2. The division's Vice President must approve the awarding of recognition leave.

    3. Recognition leave lapses within 12 months from the date it is awarded. The division's Vice President has the discretion to extend the 12-month retention period for recognition leave if the department has been unable to allow the employee to use the leave.

    4. An employee shall be paid in a lump sum for his or her recognition leave when the employee:

      1. leaves State service by resignation, retirement, layoff, termination, or death;

      2. is transferred, promoted, or demoted from one agency to another; or

      3. is placed on Long Term Disability under the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP).

    5. Departments may pay employees for their recognition leave balances if:

      1. 在12个月的期末, the department has been unable to allow the employee to use the leave, or

      2. the employee moves from one department to another within the University.

  3. 货币的奖金

    1. Monetary awards up to a maximum $5,000 per classified and wage employee per fiscal year.

    2. Teaching & 研究及行政 & professional faculty may receive monetary bonuses in excess of $5,000 per fiscal year.

    3. The division's Vice President must approve the awarding of monetary awards.

  1. Employees are responsible for requesting leave as required by University policy and 程序.

  2. Employees are responsible for monitoring recognition leave usage to prevent leave loss/expiration.

Employees are responsible for ensuring that all leave is accurately reported in Web Time Entry (WTE). Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all employees' leave is accurately reported and approved in WTE.

Applicable records must be retained and then destroyed in accordance with the 联邦记录保留时间表.

Assistant Vice President for 人力资源 and Strategic 倡议



政策制订委员会 & 负责人批准进行:





/s/ Donna W. Meeks




Executive Policy Review Committee (EPRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 9月Sanderlin





/s/ Allen T. Wilson





/s/ Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D.




以前的版本: 2023年6月6日

预定覆检日期: 2028年6月5日