
A select number of exceptionally well-qualified students at bet8体育娱乐入口 may be admitted to the Linked Bachelor’s/Ph.D. 在电 & 计算机工程 program while in their junior year of undergraduate studies. This program encourages admitted students to work closely with individual faculty members during the remainder of their undergraduate program, and allows them to complete graduate coursework while they are still undergraduates. 他们的平均成绩必须保持在3分.在他们的本科学习中达到50或更高. Students interested in the linked program option should talk with their undergraduate advisor and the graduate program director to see if the program would be beneficial for them.


  • Engineering students with GPA >= 3.5 can apply for the ECE graduate program through a linked BS/PhD program

  • Students can take two graduate courses double counted for the BS degree and a graduate degree

  • No need for a formal application such as reference letters, essay, and GRE scores

U.G. & Doctoral


看看这些想法来自 ODU职业发展服务 and the 职业信息网(O*NET). A median salary is a midpoint of what people typically earn—half of those surveyed earned above the median salary, 一半的收入低于.


$119,650 工资中位数

Research, design, develop, 或测试商用计算机或计算机相关设备, industrial, military, 或者科学用途. May supervise the manufacturing and installation of computer or computer-related equipment and components.


$106,760 工资中位数

Research, design, develop, 或测试商业电子元件和系统, industrial, military, 或者科学用途 employing knowledge of electronic theory and materials properties. Design electronic circuits and components for use in fields such as telecommunications, 航天制导和推进控制, acoustics, 或者仪器和控制.


$99,580 工资中位数

Research, design, develop, test, or supervise the manufacturing and installation of electrical equipment, components, 或者商业系统, industrial, military, 或者科学用途.


What are the requirements to apply for Electrical and 计算机工程 at ODU?
进入英国的学生.G. & Doctoral program 在电 and 计算机工程 should meet the minimum university admission requirements 本科入学.

A select number of exceptionally well-qualified students at bet8体育娱乐入口 may be admitted to the 与本科/ Ph值.D. program while they are pursuing their junior year in one of the undergraduate programs. Students interested in the linked program option should talk with their undergraduate advisor and the graduate program director to see if the linked program would be beneficial. 


At ODU, we understand that as a transfer student you have unique needs that require a wide array of campus resources. The Center for Advising 政府 and Academic 合作伙伴关系 aims to create a transfer inclusive culture that supports the successful...


2023-24学年的估计费用. 价格可能会有变动. Anyone that is not a current Virginia resident will be charged non-resident rates. 包括国际学生.

成本每个点数 $250
成本每个点数 $393
Technology Delivered Courses Outside Virginia and/or the United States
成本每个点数 $407
成本每个点数 $1,073


Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending ODU. 欲了解更多信息,请访问大学学生财政援助