About this Program

在这个快速变化和竞争日益激烈的技术世界, 研究生学位是非常可取的,在行业中担任高级专业土木工程职位通常需要硕士学位, and in federal, state and municipal government agencies. 该系的研究生课程旨在培养未来土木工程领域的技术领导者, 并且可以同时容纳全日制和非全日制学生. The specialty areas include coastal, 岩土工程, 结构, transportation, and water resources engineering in civil engineering. 一个远程学习硕士学位课程土木工程与海岸工程的集中也可用, and can include transferable credits from other institutions.

Program Highlights

  • For the MS program, there are three options; Thesis option with 24 credit hours of coursework and a six credit hour thesis, 项目选项,有27个学分的课程作业和3个学分的研究项目, 选修课程,有30学分的课程作业和期末理解考试.

Master of Science
Civil Engineering
Delivery Modes


Check out these ideas from ODU Career Development 服务sOccupational Information Network (O*NET). 中位数工资是人们通常收入的中间值——一半的受访者收入高于中位数工资, and half earned below.

Civil Engineers

$91,790 Median Salary

Perform engineering duties in planning, 设计, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures, and facilities, such as roads, 铁路, 机场, 桥梁, 港口, 渠道, 大坝, irrigation projects, 管道, 发电厂, and water and sewage systems.

Civil Engineering Technicians

$53,600 Median Salary

应用 theory and principles of civil engineering in planning, 设计, 并在工程人员或物理科学家的指导下监督结构和设施的建设和维护.


What are the requirements to apply for Civil Engineering at ODU?
进入土木工程理学硕士课程的学生应满足最低大学入学要求 研究生 入学.

土木工程硕士学位申请者必须具有学士学位, 最好是, 土木或环境工程专业,具有较强的数学和物理科学背景. 每位申请人必须提交一篇500字或以下的短文,描述个人和学术目标, professional objectives, preparation for graduate study, 以及所选择的课程将如何帮助申请人实现这些目标. 两封推荐信必须由前任或现任教授提交, or employment supervisors. 硕士学位课程的常规录取通常要求本科GPA达到3分.0 or higher on a 4.0规模. 根据成功的工程工作经验或其他证明在研究生课程中成功潜力的证书,本科GPA较低的申请人可能会被考虑定期或临时录取. 除非申请人持有ABET认可的工程学位,否则需要提交研究生入学考试(GRE). 所有母语不是英语的申请人都需要托福(或雅思),除非他们的学士学位来自英语为主要语言的美国机构或国家. 临时录取也可能是申请人在申请人打算的研究生课程以外的领域获得学士学位的申请人. In such cases there will be pre-requisite course requirements. Provisional admission may be given to those applicants who do not hold a bachelor’s degree in civil or environmental engineering; however, 这些学生除了完成研究生课程的要求外,还需要完成本科课程.


Estimated rates for the 2023-24 academic year. Rates are subject to change. 任何目前不是弗吉尼亚州居民的人都将被收取非居民费率. That includes international students.

Virginia Resident
成本 Per-Credit $599
技术 Delivered 课程 Outside Virginia and/or the United States
成本 Per-Credit $623
成本 Per-Credit $1,439


Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending ODU. For more information visit University Student Financial aid

教学 & 研究 Assistantships

教学和研究助理奖学金可能会在竞争的基础上提供. 土木与环境工程访问委员会也提供研究生提升奖,为一些获得助学金的研究生提供额外的经济支持.