
ODU 资讯科技服务

作为ODU员工, 有时候你需要在离开校园的时候处理学校的事务. 无论您是定期远程工作还是只是需要在下班后临时访问文件, 有几种方法可以在ODU工作站之外完成工作. 远程工作:


If you work remotely from a personal computer, 您应该确保您的操作系统和病毒防护是最新的. (了解更多关于 保护你的电脑.)


If you take a University computer off-campus to work remotely, you and your supervisor need to 填写表格 设备授权表.


VPN为ODU教职员工提供了一条连接远程计算机和ODU安全网络的加密通道. 通过安全连接与大学IT系统进行交互,就像在校园一样. 您需要连接到校园VPN以远程访问网络驱动器和文件夹, the use of SSH or Microsoft Remote Desktop, 以及远程访问班纳的权限, 但是,一旦您不再需要对这些服务进行特殊访问,就应该断开连接. 获得VPN访问:

注意:您有责任支持您用于VPN访问的个人PC, including installation of the VPN client. All devices that connect to the VPN must comply with the ODU Remote Access and Virtual Private Network Standard.


使用微软的远程桌面协议(RDP)或VNC查看器访问odu管理的计算机上的所有文件和资源. (You must be connected to the campus VPN.)

Submit a request for remote access to ITS在线帮助. Include your supervisor's name in the description field. Your TSP will contact you to set up remote access.



Remote Access to ODU Files and Shares

通常, when you are on campus and logged into your work desktop, 您的共享目录文件(H:, J: and K: drives) are connected automatically when you log in.

If you are not using a desktop connected to the University's network, 然后你需要配置一个连接来访问和管理存储在大学服务器上的文件.

To access your files remotely, you must connect to the campus VPN. Then map your drives using the instructions below.


访问以下资源 没有 连接ODU的VPN.


Need to host or attend a meeting from off-campus? 变焦是一种基于云的网络会议服务,允许用户在线会面和分享内容. Start or join a meeting from anyw在这里 with an internet connection.


从家用电脑或移动设备上的Outlook访问ODU电子邮件(参见 安装指南)或浏览 前景.stellarhygiene.net.

注意:不要通过电子邮件发送受限制的商业信息,即使是给你自己. 了解更多 about options for storing and transferring sensitive information.


To access your ODU voicemail remotely, dial your phone number and press * when your voicemail message starts. 按照提示操作. (Your ID is your 5 digit extension e.g. "36926". Your password is your voicemail password.)

将您的办公室电话转接到另一个号码或请求临时远程办公电话服务, 填写表格 ITS服务请求.


All employees have access to online file space:

注意:大学员工必须小心保护机密或限制数据. Before storing data in a cloud drive, review the 调节数据存储矩阵.

Microsoft Office 365

It's not enough to just have access to your files; you need to be able to open and work with them. Employees have two options for working with Office files:


使用 Teams to stay in touch with your coworkers. Chat, meet and collaborate all in one place, no matter w在这里 you are.

Monarch Virtual Environment (MOVE)

使用与标准ITS计算机实验室相同的配置和标准软件访问虚拟工作站 移动.stellarhygiene.net.



Is your computer up to the task of remote work? At the very least, it should meet minimum recommendations found 在这里.


Are your remote computer and network secure? Keep your home computing environment secure with the tips found 在这里.


For the most reliable internet connection, 将电脑直接插入路由器(通常是设备背面的黄色端口),或者将电脑移到尽可能靠近路由器的地方. 如果你能在在线会议或课堂上限制其他流媒体流量,这也会有所帮助.

Check with your internet provider for more information:


在印刷之前, 确定是否有电子替代方案可以满足您的业务需求. Procurement 服务, for example, has published 指导 使用填充 & Acrobat中的签名功能,用于对历来需要打印或扫描的PCard报告和表单进行签名.

如果您需要打印或维护包含受监管数据的纸质文件(如 调节数据存储矩阵),你的经理和ITS可以共同确定一个适当的和安全的替代方案. Printing regulated data at home requires Data Owner approval.

检查 数据存储矩阵 before storing ODU documents on a home computer, network drive or in the cloud (OneDrive, GoogleDrive, 框).

  • 使用 the print feature of the 应用程序 (i.e. MS Word或Excel).
  • Select save as a PDF instead of selecting a printer.
  • Store on an appropriate shared drive for later use.

  • Windows: 使用 the built-in Snipping Tool.
  • Mac: Press and hold Shift + Command + 4, 然后单击并拖动以突出显示要捕获的屏幕区域.
  • Store the screenshot on an appropriate shared drive for later use.

下载 Microsoft Office Lens 从你手机的应用商店扫描你手机上的文件,并将它们保存到一个支持的存储位置(建议使用OneDrive)。.

使用 横幅文件管理 for collecting and storing documents. Banner文档管理支持索引和检索电子内容,并安全地存储FERPA和PII数据.

发送请求到 itshelp@stellarhygiene.net for an 应用程序 to be created to support the document repository.

使用电子表格收集和存储信息以供处理. Forms that are built in the ITS 形式 system (形式.stellarhygiene.net)允许你:

  • Set up routing and approval workflows.
    • 主管的批准
    • 个人的批准
    • MIDAS集团批准
  • 保护表单背后的君主密钥身份验证或使它们可供公众访问.
  • Save form data to a network drive or 横幅文件管理 应用程序.

发送请求到 itshelp@stellarhygiene.net 用于访问表单解决方案或请求开发应用程序以支持业务流程.


DocuSign可以在 有限使用 非常具体用例的基础. The cost of this solution is $5 per envelope. 信封被定义为从头到尾的业务流程流,与工作流链中的审批或路由实例的数量无关.

发送请求到 itshelp@stellarhygiene.net 访问DocuSign.

If, after reviewing all of the above alternatives, you and your supervisor determine that printing is necessary, we recommend the following printer models for home use:

黑色的 & 白色

HP LaserJet Pro M203dw

  • 只打印
  • 30 ppm
  • 汽车双
  • 惠普网站售价170美元


HP彩色激光打印机Pro M254dw

  • 只打印
  • 22 PPM (b/w & 颜色)
  • 汽车双
  • 惠普官网售价260美元


HP OfficeJet Pro 8025一体机

  • 打印、复印、扫描、传真
  • 20ppm (b/w);
  • 汽车双
  • 惠普网站售价99美元


HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M479fdw

  • 打印,复制,扫描,传真,电子邮件
  • 28 PPM (b/w & 颜色)
  • 汽车双
  • 在惠普网站售价450美元

请按惯例 采购 过程. 这些打印机, 如果购买ODU业务, 应通过批准的供应商(戴利或CDW/Staples)购买,并专门用于家庭远程办公.


All faculty and staff can request VPN/RDP access. 担任研究或教学助理的研究生也有资格.

No. 一旦你的电话被转发, 在您手动关闭转发或请求关闭转发之前,它将一直保持这种状态. If more advanced forwarding options are needed, please contact the ITS服务台 对的选择.

是的,请联系 ITS服务台 对的选择.

If staff have computers at home that can be used for work, we recommend they do so following the best practices 在这里.

For those who do not have a workstation at home, please coordinate with your supervisor to properly assess your needs. Please do not take ODU desktops home. 它们没有被配置为在家庭环境中工作,在这种情况下ITS不支持它们.

Supervisors can either procure a suitable laptop, 或与ITS合作,以获得可用的有限数量的借阅工作站之一.


  • 戴尔: Guidelines for ordering Dell laptops are located 在这里.
  • 苹果: Please email the University 书店 at techstore@stellarhygiene.net 要求购买的物品.
  • Due to limited supplies and/or delivery delays, if laptops are required from other than Dell or Apple, 指导 related to minimum requirements may be found 在这里.

No. In order to protect senitive data, you must be connected to the ODU VPN 在登录Banner之前.

是的. As long as you have the latest version of OneDrive installed, you can use personal and work accounts on the same computer.


如果您使用硬件令牌或安全密钥(例如Yubikey),则可以将设备带回家. You can also set up a software token. All options and more information can be found 在这里.

You should always be aware of safe computing practices. 阅读更多关于保护您的个人计算机和家庭网络安全的信息 我们的安全电脑网页.

看到 印刷的替代品上面,.

联系 ITS服务台 如果您需要这项服务.