

The State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) annually honors faculty at Virginia's two- 和 four-year, 公立和私立高等教育机构自1987年起. The recipients of the award represent the highest st和ards of teaching, scholarship, 和 service. Since 1987, 37 faculty members from bet8体育娱乐入口 (ODU) have received the award.

The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) is the Commonwealth's coordination body for higher education, with a mission to promote the development 和 operation of an educationally 和 economically sound, 充满活力的, 进步, 以及协调的高等教育体系.

学校每年颁发杰出教师奖给有资格的教授. The Outst和ing 教师奖 are the Commonwealth's highest honor for faculty at Virginia's public 和 private colleges 和 universities. These awards recognize superior accomplishments in teaching, 研究, 和 public service.

More information about the SCHEV杰出教师奖 may be found on the SCHEV 网站.

SCHEV杰出教师奖 (OFA) nominees 和 award winners will be recognized at the spring faculty awards dinner. SCHEV OFA winners will hold the title permanently 和 be so identified in University publications. The names of all SCHEV OFA winners will be engraved on a plaque prominently displayed at the University.


为了研究和教学的整合, preference has been given to nominees who have developed programs that encourage the application 和 dissemination of 研究-based knowledge among a diverse population of learners 和 whose impact has been felt beyond the university. 影响的证据包括, 例如, 在印刷和广播媒体上刊登的作品, 合作关系延伸到学院之外, 和 participation in broader conversations that speak to the pressing issues of our times.


  • 在教学、发现(i ..e., 研究), 知识集成 和 服务 as recognized by teaching awards 和 supported by student 和 colleague testimonials.
  • 在研究领域, 被提名者必须有被认可的创意作品, 出版的书, authored a substantial number of refereed articles 和/or have received significant external grants.
  • 获得过奖项吗.
  • 有重要的专业和社区服务记录, 其影响已得到社区和/或学科领导者的认可.

提名程序 & 时间表


ODU可以提名六名正式教员和一名“新星”." A rising star must have fewer than six years of continuous service as a full-time faculty member 和 must be in at least her/his third year of service at a Virginia institution.

bet8体育娱乐入口 nominees for the open SCHEV 奖s will compete with nominees from the five other 研究 universities in Virginia.

The Outst和ing 教师奖 Committee will review the nominations in the spring 和 select the University's nominees. A representative of 学术事务 will work with each of the University's nominees to produce the final nomination packets for submission to SCHEV by the end of September.




  • 一封简短的提名信
  • 更新的简历
  • 学生意见调查摘要

主席将完成的提名包提交给院长办公室. This allows the Dean to review the packet(s) 和 add a letter of support before submitting the nomination(s) to the Vice Provost for 教师 Affairs & 战略行动.

星期五,2024年3月8日 Dean submits the completed nomination packet(s) to the Vice Provost for 教师 Affairs & 策略措施办事处
星期二,2024年3月12日 教务副教务长 & 战略行动 办公室 uploads nominee packet(s) to the SharePoint 网站 和 notifies the Outst和ing 教师 奖 Committee.
2024年3月29日,星期五 The Outst和ing 教师 奖 Committee recommendations are due to the Vice Provost for 教师 Affairs & 战略行动.



请提交提名信、简历和学生意见调查样本. 你可以提交其他额外的材料.

Indicate if you are nominating a faculty in the RISING STAR category (must be within the first 6 years of service [as of the next September 30 when the nominations are submitted]) or the regular OFA category.


  • 教学
  • 发现
  • 知识集成
  • 服务



提交给教务副教务长 & 战略行动


bet8体育娱乐入口, located in the City of Norfolk in the metropolitan Hampton Roads region of coastal Virginia, is a dynamic public 研究 institution that serves its students 和 enriches the Commonwealth of Virginia, 通过严谨的学术课程,使国家和世界受益, 战略合作伙伴关系, 积极的公民参与."

The Mission 支持 section of the mission statement describes in detail the principles 和 practices that underlie the University's undergraduate 和 graduate teaching, 研究, 和 service missions: a sound general educational program; critical thinking; diversity; academic freedom; serving the needs of the local, 国家, 以及国际社会, including military members 和 their families; 和 collaborating with government, 行业, 和校友. 最后, the Major Goals of the University are described under the following headings: Students, 教师, 学术项目, 教学, 研究, 奖学金与创造力, 远程学习, 终身学习, 社区服务, 学生生活, 校友, 和质量.

A complete statement of the mission 和 major goals may be found in the bet8体育娱乐入口 本科目录 和 研究生目录.


奖 & 演讲

Nominees will receive a one-time $500年奖 from the Vice President for 研究 to support scholarly activities, 和 they will be recognized at a luncheon in the fall hosted by the Provost 和 at the spring faculty awards dinner 和 will also be recognized by the University's Board of 访问ors.

获胜者将获得7美元奖金,500年奖, 由自治领基金会资助, 和 will be recognized by the General Assembly 和 honored by the Governor at a special event. 自1987年该项目开始以来, 37名bet8体育娱乐入口的教职员工获得了这一奖项.



2012年:Steve Yetiv,政治学和地理学

2014: Carolyn Rutledge,护士



2017: Jennifer Michaeli, Engineering 技术; Anatoly Radyushkin, Physics



2021年:Jennifer Fish,女性研究


2023: Khan Iftekharuddin,电气 & 计算机工程


2001年:Sushil Chaturvedi, Mechanical Engineering; Dwight Allen, 教育课程与教学


2003年:Sheri Reynolds,英语


2005年:凯瑟琳·克西, 儿童早期, 语言语音病理学, 和特殊教育; Cynthia Jones, 海洋, 地球与大气科学

2006年:唐纳德·齐格勒, Political Science 和 Geography; Sharon Raver-Lampman, 儿童早期, 语言语音病理学, 和特殊教育


2008: Bridget Anderson, English; Shaomin Li, Business Management

2009: Lawrence Hatab, Philosophy; Lawrence Weinstein, Physcis

1991: Karen Polonko,社会学和刑事司法

1992: Gregory Selby,机械工程

Karen Polonko的社会学课,1990年代




1996: William Stanley,工程技术

1997: Dana Heller,英语

1999: Daniel Dauer, Biological Sciences; Chris Drake, Political Science 和 Geography


2012年:Steve Yetiv,政治学和地理学

2014: Carolyn Rutledge,护士



2017: Jennifer Michaeli, Engineering 技术; Anatoly Radyushkin, Physics



2021年:Jennifer Fish,女性研究


2023: Khan Iftekharuddin,电气 & 计算机工程


2001年:Sushil Chaturvedi, Mechanical Engineering; Dwight Allen, 教育课程与教学


2003年:Sheri Reynolds,英语


2005年:凯瑟琳·克西, 儿童早期, 语言语音病理学, 和特殊教育; Cynthia Jones, 海洋, 地球与大气科学

2006年:唐纳德·齐格勒, Political Science 和 Geography; Sharon Raver-Lampman, 儿童早期, 语言语音病理学, 和特殊教育


2008: Bridget Anderson, English; Shaomin Li, Business Management

2009: Lawrence Hatab, Philosophy; Lawrence Weinstein, Physcis

1991: Karen Polonko,社会学和刑事司法

1992: Gregory Selby,机械工程

Karen Polonko的社会学课,1990年代




1996: William Stanley,工程技术

1997: Dana Heller,英语

1999: Daniel Dauer, Biological Sciences; Chris Drake, Political Science 和 Geography