
  • Participate in field work, such as observing, surveying, or interviewing ODU students/faculty/staff
  • Dig into key topics to challenge assumptions and identify root problems
  • 测试想法并提出解决方案
  • Present your work at a showcase to university and community leadership
  • 1,000美元财务奖励
  • 创业信用
  • 设计思维工具箱
  • 额外的机会来展示你的工作
  • The chance to have your voice heard and make a difference



  • 项目启动和虚拟撤退
    • 1月6日,上午9:00 -下午12:30
  • 每周计划会议(星期四)
    • 1月13日- 4月14日(13周),下午12:30 -1:30
  • 每周项目团队工作会议
    • 作为一个群体被安排
  • 创新君主推介活动和展示
    • 4月21日下午3时至4时30分


  • 选择数据/视频
  • 数据收集和分析
  • 原型
  • Pitch(幻灯片和脚本)
  • 项目反馈调查及后评估结束

  • Participate in field work, such as observing, surveying, or interviewing ODU students/faculty/staff
  • Dig into key topics to challenge assumptions and identify root problems
  • 测试想法并提出解决方案
  • Present your work at a showcase to university and community leadership

  • 1,000美元财务奖励
  • 创业信用
  • 设计思维工具箱
  • 额外的机会来展示你的工作
  • The chance to have your voice heard and make a difference



  • 项目启动和虚拟撤退
    • 1月6日,上午9:00 -下午12:30
  • 每周计划会议(星期四)
    • 1月13日- 4月14日(13周),下午12:30 -1:30
  • 每周项目团队工作会议
    • 作为一个群体被安排
  • 创新君主推介活动和展示
    • 4月21日下午3时至4时30分


  • 选择数据/视频
  • 数据收集和分析
  • 原型
  • Pitch(幻灯片和脚本)
  • 项目反馈调查及后评估结束


INNOVATE monarch是一个合作项目. 根据 美国高校协会, collaborative projects support students in learning to work and solve problems in the company of others. bet8体育娱乐入口 is unique in its embrace of entrepreneurial-focused activities as high-impact practices.


与英联邦网络倡议协调, bet8体育娱乐入口 welcomes applications from students in cybersecurity/information technology related majors from any public institution in the Commonwealth of Virginia to apply for the INNOVATE Cyber Challenge. Selected participants will earn $1,000 for the successful completion of the challenge.
作为流明基金会资助的一部分, 为学生准备的大学, Old Dominion创建了11个“设计思维”团队, 6个是学生,5个是教职员工. Each is focusing on a specific issue or barrier with the goal of increasing the enrollment and retention of underrepresented students.


Design thinking is a hands-on, user-centric approach to problem solving. This allows participants to create solutions that address real problems as defined by the end user, 而不是设计师. The Design Thinking process used by the 创新的君主 program reinforces this learning by guiding students through the empathy-building process, which teaches students to listen to the experiences and insights of others before jumping to conclusions or developing solutions.

设计思维是一个循环和递归的过程. This means that some phases may need to be repeated or returned to before moving ahead, and that reaching the 实现ation phase simply offers the opportunity to begin again. 看看 这个图表 that visualized both the cyclical and recursive nature of the design thinking process.

There are six distinct phases to the design thinking process. Click through the below tabs to learn more (provided by the 尼尔森诺曼集团).

Conduct research in order to develop knowledge about what your users 做,说,想,感觉.

  • Imagine your goal is to improve an onboarding experience for new users. 在这个阶段,您将与一系列实际用户进行交谈. 直接观察他们的行为, 他们如何思考, 他们想要什么, asking yourself things like 'what motivates or discourages users?或“他们在哪里感到沮丧??' The goal is to gather enough observations that you can truly begin to empathize with your users and their perspectives.

定义: Combine all your research and observe where your users' problems exist. In pinpointing your users' needs, begin to highlight opportunities for innovation.

  • 再次考虑入职示例. In the define phase, use the data gathered in the empathize phase to glean insights. Organize all your observations and draw parallels across your users' current experiences. Is there a common pain point across many different users? 确定未满足的用户需求.

头脑风暴一系列疯狂, creative ideas that address the unmet user needs identified in the define phase. 给 yourself and your team total freedom; no idea is too farfetched and quantity supersedes quality.

  • At this phase, bring your team members together and sketch out many different ideas. Then, have them share ideas with one another, mixing and remixing, building on others' ideas.

Build real, tactile representations for a subset of your ideas. The goal of this phase is to understand what components of your ideas work, and which do not. 在这个阶段,你开始权衡影响vs. feasibility of your ideas through feedback on your prototypes.

  • 让你的想法有触感. If it is a new landing page, draw out a wireframe and get feedback internally. Change it based on feedback, then prototype it again in quick and dirty code. 然后,与另一组人分享.

回到用户那里寻求反馈. 问问你自己“这个解决方案满足用户的需求吗??' and 'Has it improved how they feel, think, or do their tasks?'

  • Put your prototype in front of real customers and verify that it achieves your goals. 用户在入职期间的视角是否得到了改善? Does the new landing page increase time or money spent on your site? As you are executing your vision, continue to test along the way.

将愿景付诸实施. Ensure that your solution is materialized and touches the lives of your end users.

  • This is the most important part of design thinking, but it is the one most often forgotten. 正如唐·诺曼所宣扬的,“我们需要更多的设计." Design thinking does not free you from the actual design doing. 这不是魔法. Milton Glaser's words resonate: "There's no such thing as a creative type. 好像创造力是一个动词,一个非常耗时的动词. It's about taking an idea in your head, and transforming that idea into something real. And that's always going to be a long and difficult process. 如果你做得对,它会让你感觉像是在工作." As impactful as design thinking can be for an organization, it only leads to true innovation if the vision is executed. The success of design thinking lies in its ability to transform an aspect of the end user's life. 第六步——实施——是至关重要的.

查看我们的 常见问题 了解更多信息. 如果你仍然需要帮助,可以直接发邮件: innovate@stellarhygiene.net.