Equality, 多样性, respect and 包容 for all

bet8体育娱乐入口 has a long and proud legacy of commitment to the principles of equality and equal opportunity for all students, 教职员工. The mission of the Office of 机构股票 and 多样性 is to provide leadership and support on matters relating to equity, 多样性, respect and 包容 for all members of the bet8体育娱乐入口 community. The 工作人员 provides guidance, support and delivery of programming, services and educational initiatives to University faculty, 工作人员, and students to support 多样性, 包容, 平等机会, 公平的待遇, cultural understanding and the prevention of prohibited discrimination and harassment.

OIED has the following two functional areas. Please visit the directory for contact information.  

  1. 机构股票
  2. 多样性 and 包容的卓越


  • 信息, 咨询, 培训, resources to the University community with regard to 多样性, harassment and discrimination prevention, 反歧视行动, equal opportunity and 残疾 matters; and pregnancy and parenting;
  • Individual 咨询 with University supervisors, 工作人员, faculty, students, and administrators;
  • A mechanism for responding to complaints of harassment and discrimination including alternative dispute resolution options;
  • Oversight of and support for the University's compliance efforts in the areas of equal opportunity, 反歧视行动, harassment and discrimination prevention, and compliance with all applicable State and Federal civil rights laws.


The Office of 机构股票 and 多样性 oversees, facilitates and supports the University's efforts to ensure equal opportunity for all persons regardless of race (or traits historically associated with race including hair texture, 头发的类型, and protective styles such as braids, 锁, 和扭曲), color, 国家的起源, 年龄, 婚姻状况, sex (including pregnancy, 分娩, or related medical conditions), 政治面貌, 婚姻状况, 性取向, 性别认同, 遗传信息, 残疾, 宗教, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, 和招生.